Microorganisms and Water The source of the microorganisms Typically, these contaminants can come from wastewater, surrounding animal activities or animal carcasses. Wastewater includes sewage, industrial water that may contai... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
What is an Organic Material? Organic matter is a heterogeneous mixture that represents all the molecules found in soils and waters that contain carbon from living organisms. These carbons can come from the decomposition of plants... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
Scaling and the Presence of Limescale More precisely, the precipitation of calcium ions associated with the presence of hydrogen carbonates in water and under the effect of heat causes the formation of calcium carbonate deposits. Calcium ... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
What is a Tannin? Also known as tannic acid, this compound is used by plants as a repellent to herbivores. In industrial environments, tannins are in the form of beige powder and are generally used in the textile indus... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
What is Biofilm and what do we do with it? In general, biofilms need a biotic or abiotic surface to form. This is why it can be found in many places, such as inside the piping of a water supply. Biofilm allows bacteria to survive in normally h... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
What are BOD and COD? Biological oxygen demand This measure identifies the amount of oxygen required to oxidize organic and inorganic matter in an aqueous sample. It is measured by a test known as BOD5. To perform this tes... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
Silicon or Silica: what is it and what is its Relation with Water Before going any further, it is important to clarify that silicon, with its symbol Si, is not present in its pure form in its natural state. Most often, it is found in its mineral forms: silica & sili... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
What is Suspended Solids (SS) They are small solids that are found suspended in a body of water. It is generally recognized that particles larger than 2 microns that remain suspended in the water is suspended solids. There are thr... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
Water and its Minerals Minerals that can be found in water are usually infused into the water through soil erosion. Since water is a solvent, the passage of water between or over the minerals in question degrades the minera... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
What are Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)? These contaminants may be total dissolved solids. They are organic and inorganic contaminants that can be found in water naturally or not. Generally speaking, dissolved materials are calcium, magnesiu... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
Heavy Metals and Water These heavy metals are varied and come from many places. Their proliferation can be caused by human activities or naturally. Obviously, like many other types of pollution, human activities are the sou... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ
What are the Differences Between a Bacteria, a Virus and a Protozoa? In fact, whether you think of bacteria, virus or protozoa, they can all be part of the large germ family. For your information, a germ is characterized as a very small organism that can cause disease ... Contaminant Jun 12, 2023 FAQ