Last updated: March 18, 2024

Durpro's Privacy Policy

Durpro and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as "we") place paramount importance on protecting your privacy. This privacy notice applies to our customers, employees, as well as users of our website, mobile website, and mobile applications (collectively referred to as the "Site"), as well as our products and services (collectively referred to as the "Services").

This privacy notice explains how we collect, use, disclose, and store the personal information you provide to us directly, during your interactions with our Site, as well as information collected from other sources, including third parties, for the purpose of improving our Site and Services. By providing us with personal information during your interactions with our Site or Services, after reviewing this privacy notice, you consent to us using and disclosing this information in accordance with applicable laws.


1.1. Website Data Collection

We collect certain data when you use our website. This data may include information such as your IP address, the type of browser you are using, your geographical location, and other data related to your use of the site. We use this information to enhance your user experience and to analyze the performance of our site.

To learn more about the cookies we use and how you can control them, please refer to our cookie policy (section 8 of this document).

1.2. Data Collection from Customers and Suppliers

In the course of our business relationships with our customers and suppliers, we collect various information to facilitate the provision of our services and the management of our activities. This information includes identification data such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses associated with our customers and suppliers.

We also collect technical or digital data related to the use of our online services, including information about interactions with our Site. This data may include login data, information about devices used to access our services, and other relevant technical details.

Financial information is also collected as part of our business transactions. This may include payment information, such as bank account or credit card details, as well as transaction history and any other financial information necessary for payment management and billing.

We use this data to provide our services, manage our business relationships, improve our products and services, and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. We handle this information with the utmost care and implement appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality and security of the data.

For any questions regarding our use of your personal data or to exercise your data protection rights, you will find the contact information of the Privacy Officer at the bottom of this document.

1.3. Data Collection from Employees

In the course of our employment relationship, we collect various information from our employees, including identification information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, marital status, and email addresses. This information is necessary for identity verification and to ensure compliance with government regulations.

We also collect professional information such as job titles, departments, hiring dates, performance evaluations, banking information, and social insurance numbers. This data is used as part of human resources management, including recruitment, compensation, performance evaluation, training and professional development, as well as to ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations. In certain specific cases outlined in our internal policies, we may also require the presentation and collection of government-issued identification to verify and ensure your identity.

We implement appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality and security of all data collected from our employees, and we are committed to using this information only in the context of our legitimate business activities.
If you have any questions about how we use your personal data as an employee, or if you wish to exercise your data protection rights, you will find the contact information of the Privacy Officer in section 9 of this document.


We collect personal information from various sources, such as those you provide to us directly and those collected automatically by our website. The categories of personal information we collect and their use are described below:

Information you provide to us:
The data mentioned in sections 1.2 and 1.3, depending on the category pertaining to you, are subject to collection.

We use this information:
- To verify your identity when you exercise a privacy right, in accordance with the law.
- To respond to your requests for information or communications in accordance with our legal notices and privacy notice.
- To investigate and respond to allegations of fraud or illegal activity.
- To maintain a quality experience on our site, including filtering spam and enforcing our policies.
- To provide customer service, support, and quality assurance.
- To analyze and make decisions regarding job applications and to manage employees in accordance with our internal policies.
- To ensure the smooth operation of our operations.

Information collected automatically by our site:
- Online identifiers, unique personal identifiers, account identification numbers, IP addresses.
- Internet activities and other electronic activities such as interaction with our site, cookie data, geolocation, etc.

We use this information:
- To offer you our services and improve your user experience.
- For advertising and marketing activities.
- To assess the use of our site, provide our services, and ensure the security of our platform.
- For business research and analysis.


We may disclose your personal information to our service providers or subcontractors, who process your personal data on our behalf in accordance with specific instructions to assist us in providing our services. These disclosures may occur under the following circumstances:
- To benefit from services such as advertising and marketing to deliver advertisements and/or promotional information.
- In the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale of the business, in accordance with applicable laws.

- If required by law, for example to respond to a warrant, subpoena, or similar legal process.
- At the request of government agencies with authority, within the scope of their legal powers.
- If we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to (i) protect our rights or those of others, (ii) investigate fraudulent or illegal activities, or (iii) respond to legal requests from government authorities.

We grant access to personal information to our third-party staff only to the extent necessary to provide our services and if they agree to confidentiality obligations in accordance with our privacy policy and applicable laws.


In accordance with applicable personal data protection legislation, all users have certain rights regarding their personal information, regardless of their residence. These rights may include:
- The right to access your personal information.
- The right to request correction of inaccurate personal information.
- The right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information, to the extent permitted by law.

To exercise these privacy rights, you can submit an information request by contacting the Privacy Officer whose information is provided at the bottom of this document. We will strive to respond to your request within the timeframes prescribed by applicable law. We will not discriminate against or retaliate against you for exercising your privacy rights.

This privacy policy is not intended to limit any additional rights you may have under applicable personal data protection laws.


We are committed to maintaining a high level of security to protect your personal information. We implement security practices in line with industry standards and use a combination of reasonable administrative, physical, organizational, and technical measures to secure the personal information we process. These measures are designed to preserve the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of our networks and systems.

Our security measures include, but are not limited to:
- Use of firewalls to protect our networks from unauthorized access
- Constant monitoring of suspicious activities through intrusion detection systems.
- Use of encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS to secure sensitive transmissions of personal information.

Despite our efforts to ensure the security of your information, it is important to note that no security measure is infallible. Therefore, while we take reasonable steps to protect your information, we cannot guarantee absolute security against breaches of network and system security.

If you have concerns about the security of your interactions with us, please contact us immediately using the methods described in the "Contact Us" section of this privacy policy.


We are committed to retaining your personal information only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which we collected it, unless the law requires us to retain it longer.

Please also note that copies of the information you have updated, modified, or deleted may remain in our systems for a defined period of time. We may also retain copies of this information as part of our business records.


If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Notice, please contact the Privacy Officer whose information is provided on our website or at the end of this document.


We use cookies and similar technologies to collect information when you visit our site to enhance your online experience.

What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small data file containing unique identifiers that are stored on your device when you visit a website. These cookies can be used to recognize your device during your subsequent visits to the site. Cookies can be temporary (session cookies) or permanent (persistent cookies).
Internal cookies are installed by our site and are used for basic functionalities such as system login and improving access to site features.
Third-party cookies are installed by third parties to enable features such as advertising, marketing, interactive content, and analysis. These third-party cookies may also be used to create a profile of your interests and present you with targeted advertisements.

Why do we use cookies?
Cookies allow us to recognize devices interacting with our site, analyze site traffic, and optimize your user experience. They also help us provide more relevant advertising and improve our services.

How can I manage or refuse cookies?
Currently, our system does not allow cookie customization. Therefore, we have disabled all cookies by default. We are actively working to adjust this situation to allow for cookie customization in the future, thereby providing a more tailored experience to your preferences.
Please note that some cookies are essential for the operation of our website and cannot be disabled. However, you still have the choice to disable non-essential cookies by adjusting your browser settings. However, this may affect certain features of our website.
By continuing to use our site, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this privacy policy.


Privacy Officer
Pascale Lohéac
1 800 850 5035 #1101