INDUSTRIALS WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT Among the industries using large quantities of water for their processes are the following: Mining: The wastewater ponds or tailings present on mining sites are a source of concentrated and varied con... Jun 13, 2023
OVERVIEW OF A PHARMACEUTICAL PURIFIED WATER SYSTEM If you’re responsible for sourcing a new purified water system or are responsible for an existing system, it’s important that you understand what a purified water system does and how the different com... Jun 13, 2023
WHAT FACTORS AFFECT THE CAPEX/OPEX OF A WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Acquiring new equipment is a daunting task for many reasons. Often project managers understand the general costs that need to be considered, but sometimes when acquiring a new type of equipment or spe... May 23, 2023 Durpro
PHARMACEUTICAL DISINFECTION: CHEMICAL VS THERMAL VS OZONE Disinfection of a pharmaceutical water treatment system is an important step to consider when developing or acquiring your new system. There are several types of disinfection and whether it is chemica... May 23, 2023
PRODUCING DRINKING WATER IN REMOTE AREAS, A MAJOR CHALLENGE Despite popular belief, there are many places in Canada where access to clean water is difficult for some people. Whether you're thinking of certain First Nations communities, mining camps, logging ca... May 18, 2023
BOD/COD Reduction, a Versatile Solution In order to preserve the planet and respect the environment, several laws and regulations have been written to force certain companies to act better towards our planet. Generally speaking, the dischar... May 18, 2023
HOW TO REDUCE CONDUCTIVITY IN YOUR WATER? What Is Water Conductivity The conductivity of water represents its ability to conduct an electric current. It is important to note that in its pure state, water does not conduct electricity. To be a ... May 18, 2023
Water treatment systems for industrial boilers The fact that boilers are present in various industries makes them an omnipresent challenge. This complex equipment has particular needs, especially regarding the water used inside them. To ensure the... May 11, 2023
What is ozonation: technology, capabilities and costs Although it is very common to understand what ozonation is, it is less common to understand how ozone provides disinfection or how ozone is created in generators. Here you will find these answers as w... May 11, 2023
UNDERSTANDING DECHLORINATION :DEFINITION, FUNCTIONING & TECHNOLOGIES Understanding the dechlorination process is a complex task and requires an understanding of several other related concepts such as what chlorination is or what it is used for. In addition, the importa... May 3, 2023
TURBIDITY: DEFINITION, PROVENANCE, RISKS AND SOLUTIONS! What is Turbidity Turbidity is a widely used water parameter that is representative of water quality. It expresses, in a quick and clear manner, the concentration of suspended solids and a few other s... May 3, 2023
IRON AND WATER: ORIGIN, COMPLICATIONS & SOLUTIONS What is Iron? Iron is a chemical element found in the group 8 metals of the periodic table. It is the most widely used and least expensive metal on earth. In the earth's crust, iron is generally found... May 3, 2023