Perfectly suited to your needs

Our client was required to change a softening/desulfation water treatment system dating back to the 1950s. Ageing equipment entail ever-increasing maintenance costs and health or safety risks, and goes hand in hand with wear and tear as well as underperformance.

The system uses water as an input in bleaches and is housed in a heavy chemical plant, a highly corrosive, challenging environment.

The former steel tanks were particularly susceptible to corrosion. They were replaced by fiberglass tanks with internal plastics covering. The water initially had a hardness of 100 ppm and a sulphate concentration of 50 ppm. The updated filtration system lowered data under 2 ppm.

Your challenges and constraints are part of our everyday life

Durpro installed a full-wave system including a valve nest with a capacity to continuously treat 45 cubic meters of water per hour. In accordance with the client’s request, it was delivered with a junction box ready to be integrated into the central control system.

Durpro’s experts are used to face challenges of every kind. We adapted our solution to the main one in this case: limited space, whether it be to house the equipment or to perform installation. The system was designed accordingly and the components were added in the plant separately.


Always focused on your performance

This project has been typical of the Durpro experience: successful execution, great client relationship, results up to expectations. Thanks to the new system and continuous production, clogging in heat exchangers and piping is not an issue anymore, maintenance is drastically reduced… and above all, downtimes due to the tanks are a thing of the past.

Durpro is accustomed to this type of project… It’s our thing! We regularly have to replace complete systems and consumables such as resins, carbon, membranes or cartridges.

Water quality management, although complex, is our recognized expertise. You can rest assured that your equipment will be replaced with great care by experts and that our solutions will meet the highest industry standards, whether you’re looking for a water filtration, purification or treatment system.

Crofter's organic: A responsible company
Based on a technical and economic analysis of the situation, Durpro proposed a multi-stage water treatment system that would recover the permeate from the MBR (membrane bioreactor) for use in the cooling tunnel.
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