What training does Durpro offer and why is it important?

We offer training on the different systems to help understand how they work and to familiarize the users.

What type of training does Durpro offer?

The two categories of training offered by Durpro are based on the source of the system on which the training is focused.

  • When a system is supplied by Durpro, we include training during installation or once the system is activated.
  • When a system is not supplied by Durpro, you can request training and one of our experts will take care of the case. In order to optimize the effectiveness of the training, it is important that you provide us with as much information as possible about your system (P&IDs, photos, model number, recurring problems, etc.).


How is the training structured?

The training consists of a theoretical part where principles, functioning and anatomy of subsystems are explained, and a practical part where operators familiarize with the system in hands-on experiences.


Example: A training session for a reverse osmosis system with activated carbon filter and softener pretreatment could include the following subjects:

  • Overview of water impurities and filtration spectra;
  • particle adsorption in a carbon filter;
  • water hardness and its consequences;
  • theory of ion exchange;
  • different cycles of a softener;
  • osmosis vs. reverse osmosis;
  • RO membrane fabrication;
  • explication of the terms flux, recovery, rejection, passage;
  • impacts of pressure, temperature or TDS on system performance;
  • adjustment of the system;
  • preventive maintenance;
  • some basic troubleshooting;


Why is training important?


Explaining the theories behind each process and offering a profounder understanding of the equipment to the operators, means giving them ownership over the system. In a long-term, this leads to decreasing risks of error and lower costs for reparation and troubleshooting.

in FAQ
What is resin regeneration and how it's done?
Resin regeneration is an operation that consists of exposing the resin to chemical concentrations appropriate for its use.