What is a CIP System and When Should it be Used?

CIP is an acronym that stands for "Clean in Place". These systems refer to the disinfection stage of a water treatment system.

In other words, CIPs are a part of a system that is used to clean other equipment in order to ensure a constant production of quality water.
These systems are often used in the pharmaceutical, hospital and food industries, since these sectors often require the production of purified water. Generally, CIP systems for these sectors are used to clean reverse osmosis systems. 

Some facts about in-situ cleaning systems

Generally, when a CIP is installed for a Reverse Osmosis, the following components will be included A mixing tank for the cleaning products (caustics, soaps, acids, etc.), a circulation pump and often a water heater.

Although in-situ cleaning systems can be somewhat automated, this step is a challenge and sometimes it is very difficult to automate the entire process. To automate a CIP system, one must consider the chemical dosing system, recirculation control and temperature control. Not to mention identifying when cleaning should be initiated.

Other facts about these cleaning systems are that they can be installed directly on the system at the time of design, or they can be added separately or as a mobile unit when deemed necessary. 

Determining the ideal frequency to perform CIP on a purified water system

There are several factors to consider when developing your expected intervals between cleanings. Obviously, the quality of the water feeding the RO will determine how quickly the membranes are likely to foul, but other factors such as membrane type, cross-flow characteristics, or the frequency and duration of shutdowns also play a critical role - constant flow can remove impurities, but stagnant water allows for the accumulation of dirt that can be more difficult to remove.

In other words, to plan a cleaning interval that represents your situation and need, you need to consider your water feed, target water quality, type of treatment used, and many other factors. Since the purpose of this article is not to thoroughly explore the subject, we won't elaborate on it today, but visit our blog, you may find more exhaustive answers to your questions. 


in FAQ
How does Ozonation Work?
Ozonation is a chemical water treatment technique that is based on the infusion of ozone into water.