What is Water Dechlorination?

Dechlorination is an operation that removes traces of chlorine from water.

Whether it is free chlorine, combined chlorine, or total chlorine, dechlorination technologies allow for the drastic reduction of these chemical compounds found in water for several reasons.


To learn more about the differences between the three chlorine catalysts mentioned above, visit this short article!


Whether in gaseous, solid, or liquid form, chlorine is added to water for many reasons and in many parts of our lives. However, it is usually added to water for one reason only, to disinfect it. Used as a disinfection technology, chlorination (which is the opposite of dechlorination) ensures that water is safe to drink or ready for any type of use where organic contaminants must be removed. These include pharmaceutical, food and microprocessor applications.


The removal of chlorine from water not only has advantages, but it is also generally very important to remove it since it can have various harmful effects. We can think of the impact of this on aquatic life or on the flora surrounding the banks where spills can be made. With respect to human consumption, chlorine residues found in municipal treated water are not dangerous but can sometimes leave an unpleasant taste and odour in the water.


There are many methods of removing chlorine from water. Whether they are physical, chemical or physico-chemical, they all have strengths and weaknesses.

Some of the methods that can be used include the use of activated carbon, the addition of sodium metabisulfite (SMBS), UV irradiation, the addition of hydrogen peroxide and many more.

To learn more about these technologies or other chlorine-related topics, we invite you to visit these articles

in FAQ
Types of Filtration
To begin with, filtration is the process of separating solid particles from a gaseous or liquid fluid by means of a filter medium that allows the passage of the fluid, but not the solids.