Procedure for Changing the Media

When a media bed water treatment system is used, the media used must be changed from time to time. Changing the media is sometimes complicated since it must be done on the site and the internal components of the systems must not be damaged or moved.

To begin with, the equipment needed to perform the media change properly are the following:

  • Bag & holders: used to deposit the media once extracted;
  • Media extractor: specialized tools used to extract the media into the bag;
  • Hoses: used to send water into the tank;
  • Toolbox: several tools are needed, so it is important to have a complete toolbox;
  • Flashlight: used to track the level of media inside the tank;
  • Strap wrench: used to unscrew components with a diameter too large to use a traditional tool.


The procedure

  1. Start by installing the equipment such as the bag, tools and hoses;
  2. Depressurize the tanks: to do this, turn off the water supply and start a rinse cycle. When halfway through the cycle stop it;
  3. Disconnect the components: piping, wiring, etc. ;
  4. Lose the adapter: the adapter is the connection between the tank and the control head. If it is not loosened before removing the head, it is practically impossible to unscrew it;
  5. Removing the control head: make sure that everything has been disconnected and remove the head quietly by making upward rotational movements. It is important to be gentle when removing the head to avoid moving the internal components of the system
  6. Remove and clean the adapter;
  7. Install the media extractor: by measuring on the sides of the tank, identify the length needed to properly assemble the extractor. The extractor should reach the gravel bed in the tank, which is at the bottom completely. It should not penetrate the gravel bed;
  8. Install the hoses on the extractor: one serves as a water supply hose while the other serves to extract the media to the bag;
  9. Open the water supply to start the media extraction: Using the extractor, break the media into the tank to facilitate the extraction and do this until there is no media left. Note that it is important to watch what is coming out of the tank as the gravel bed should not be extracted.
    1. To watch the level of media, you can use a flashlight on the walls of the tank.
  10. Once the media is extracted, remove the extractor and start emptying the water from the tank using the hoses;
  11. You can now proceed to the filling stage: to do this, install a suitable funnel for your tank and fill the tank to approximately 70% of its capacity;
  12. Fill with water: add water to the top. Even if the water overflows, it is not a big deal because the water level will go down during soaking.
  13. Proceed to reinstall the head, but do not activate the system as the media should be left to soak for 12 to 24 hours;
  14. Once the soak is complete, check that everything is properly connected, reconnect the head and activate a rinse cycle. After the cycle, perform a water test to confirm that the system is working properly.

As you probably realize, changing the media in a water treatment system is a difficult task that requires patience, knowledge and specialized tools.


If you would like to see the procedure, take 10 minutes and listen to this step-by-step video on how to perform the media change.

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If you would rather not bother, contact us and we will be happy to take care of your equipment.

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