What is Suspended Solids (SS)

Suspended solids are a water parameter that can affect the colour and turbidity of water.

They are small solids that are found suspended in a body of water. It is generally recognized that particles larger than 2 microns that remain suspended in the water is suspended solids.

There are three types of suspended solids that are distinguished by their source. There are mineral particles which generally come from soil erosion. These suspended particles are minerals such as clay or silt.  Then come the organic debris that come from the decomposition of organic matter found in the surroundings or in the water. Finally, microorganisms larger than 2 microns, such as phytoplankton, can also be considered suspended matter.

To express the amount of suspended matter, reference is made to the turbidity of the water. Briefly, water turbidity refers to two principles: the concentration of suspended matter and the clarity of the water.

Water turbidity, or the concentration of suspended matter, can be expressed in two ways. Although it is very rare to see suspended solids concentration expressed in mg/L, it can be stated as such. The most common way to express turbidity is in NTUs. Nephelometric turbidity units measure the light that can pass through a water sample. The more suspended matter there is, the less light will pass through the water. To express it in NTU, the more opaque the water, the higher the NTU.

To learn more about turbidity, nephelometric turbidity units, or suspended solids extraction techniques, we recommend this short article: 

Finally, if you would like to know more about suspended solids or if you have any questions about water, its industrial uses and treatment technologies, do not hesitate to write to us and we will be happy to answer you.

Silicon or Silica: what is it and what is its Relation with Water
Silicon, also called silica in its mineral form, is the second most abundant element on earth and represents about 59% of the earth's crust.